Teknologi Bahan Bekisting
PVC Foam Board adalah bahan untuk teknologi terbaru bekisting, umumnya bekisting menggunakan triplek yang bertahan hanya 2-3 kali pakai saja. PVC foam board menghadirkan kekuatan bahan yang bisa di pakai puluhan hingga ratusan karena sifatnya yang tahan terhadap air dan kuat.
Keunggulan bekisting dengan PVC foam board
1. Biaya tenaga kerja/ tukang untuk ke -2 lebih murah,
2. Biaya logsitik lebih murah
3. Biaya merakit untuk ke -2 dan seterusnya lebih murah
4. Bahan dapat di gunakan lebih dari 10 -30 kali bahkan lebih dari 50 kali
5. Dinding yang dihasilkan sudah halus, tanpa harus pekerjaan penebalan lagi
6. Menghasilkan dinding yang lebih tipis sehingga ruang terlihat lebih lapang
5. Dinding yang dihasilkan sudah halus, tanpa harus pekerjaan penebalan lagi
6. Menghasilkan dinding yang lebih tipis sehingga ruang terlihat lebih lapang
Contoh gambar bekisting yang menggunakan produk kita
Kenapa pilih perusahaan kita ?
1. Pabrik kita di surabaya (klik lihat pabrik)
2. Ukuran panjang bisa menyesuaikan
3. Produk kita 3 lapis (kekuatan dan kerapatan atas dan bawah lebih kuat)
4. Pengiriman cepat
5. Satu-satunya di indonesia
Kenapa pilih produk kita?
1. kuat
2. mudah di bersihkan dengan air sabun
3. 3 lapis, lapisan atas bawah dapat di laminasi, di printing, di deco, di hpl
4. Produk selalu ada di pasar, meskipun dolar naik turun tetap ada.
5. Bisa minta warna
6. Bisa minta panjang berbeda
7. generasi marmer plastik
Kenapa pilih produk kita?
1. kuat
2. mudah di bersihkan dengan air sabun
3. 3 lapis, lapisan atas bawah dapat di laminasi, di printing, di deco, di hpl
4. Produk selalu ada di pasar, meskipun dolar naik turun tetap ada.
5. Bisa minta warna
6. Bisa minta panjang berbeda
7. generasi marmer plastik
tertarik hubungi kami. PT WSP 081225177910
Formwork Materials Technology
PVC Foam Board is material to the latest formwork technology, using plywood formwork generally last only 2-3 times use only. PVC foam board brings the power of the material that can be used tens to hundreds because it is resistant to water and strong.
Excellence formwork with PVC foam board
1. The cost of labor / reuse cost labor cheaper,
2. The cost of logistical cheaper
3. The cost for assembling is cheaper and beyond cheaper
4. Material can be used more than 10 -30 times even more than 50 times
5. The walls were produced had smooth, without a job thickening again
6. Produce a thinner wall making the room look more spacious
Examples of Formwork drawings that use our products
Formwork Materials Technology
PVC Foam Board is material to the latest formwork technology, using plywood formwork generally last only 2-3 times use only. PVC foam board brings the power of the material that can be used tens to hundreds because it is resistant to water and strong.
Excellence formwork with PVC foam board
1. The cost of labor / reuse cost labor cheaper,
2. The cost of logistical cheaper
3. The cost for assembling is cheaper and beyond cheaper
4. Material can be used more than 10 -30 times even more than 50 times
5. The walls were produced had smooth, without a job thickening again
6. Produce a thinner wall making the room look more spacious
Examples of Formwork drawings that use our products
Why choose our company?
1. our factory in Surabaya (click see the factory)
2. The length can adjust
3. The products we are 3 layers (strength and density stronger top and bottom)
4. Fast delivery
5. Only in Indonesia
Why choose our products?
1. strong
2. easy to clean with soapy water
3. 3 layers, the top layer under laminate can, in printing, in deco, in HPL
4. The products are always available in the market, although the dollar up and down remains.
5. Could I have the color
6. Could I have a different length
7. New Generation plastic marble
interested please contact us. PT WSP 081235373655(office hour)/ 081225177910